HIPAA Compliance Update
and Archive Policy
Prepared By:
Prepared For:
JSTS PLLC dba Reed Optical
63 Pleasant Street
Claremont, NH 03743
HIPAA Compliance Update and Archive Policy
Section 164.316(b)(2)(i)
The purpose of implementing the following HIPAA Compliance Update and
Archive Policy is to ensure JSTS PLLC dba Reed Optical properly updates and
archives all documentation pertaining to HIPAA compliance.
JSTS PLLC dba Reed Optical must retain the following documentation for at
least six years from the date of its creation or the date when it last was in effect,
whichever is later.
In addition to knowing what HIPAA requires for retention, JSTS PLLC dba Reed Optical also understands their other legal requirements for retention, from state, federal, international and contractual requirements.
JSTS PLLC dba Reed Optical also mandates the updating of all HIPAA Compliance documentation at minimum, once per year.